
Liss Andrews
Fighfiters at accident
Plaintiff was involved in a 2007 automobile accident suffering a traumatic brain injury. His doctors prescribed attendant care that was provided by his family members. The insurance company initially refused to properly pay attendant care benefits and this lawsuit was instituted. Defendant insurance company did not cooperate with discovery, which resulted in multiple motions and...
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Seder Headshot
Bloomfield Hills attorney Karen Seder has been told that at a young age she declared that she would be an attorney. Although practicing law is not a family business and nei- ther of her parents attended college, they successfully encouraged her and her sisters to get degrees. “I am driv- en by a sense of...
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LSA group shot
Arthur Liss, Karen Seder and Nicholas Andrews, partners at Liss & Andrews, P.C., have all been certified as Lawyers of Distinction, by U.S. News and World Report. The partners are no-fault attorneys specializing in representing clients who have suffered significant brain and spinal cord injuries. The firm’s founder Arthur Liss made the announcement. In addition,...
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Liss Seder Andrews Team Photo
BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich., Jan. 30, 2019 – Liss & Andrews, an experienced team of No-Fault attorneys specializing in representing clients who have suffered significant brain and spinal cord injuries, announced today that they have been named Best Law Firm by U.S. News and World Report and that Arthur Liss, Karen Seder and Nick Andrews have...
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Judge stricking gavel
Plaintiff was involved in a 2007 automobile accident suffering a traumatic brain injury. His doctors prescribed attendant care that was provided by his family members. The insurance company initially refused to properly pay attendant care bene ts and this lawsuit was instituted. Defendant insurance company did not cooperate with discovery, which resulted in multiple motions...
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Pedestrians crossing street
Plaintiff-minor was a pedestrian injured by an automobile while walking across a street. Not only did she suffer a severe brain injury resulting in a coma, intubation and ventilation but also other significant injuries to her head and face.
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Kid biking with helmet
Plaintiff was 6 years old when he suffered a severe traumatic brain injury in 1995. His mother filed a lawsuit against defendant insurance company in 2000 which resulted in a favorable judgment.
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