The plaintiff’s motor vehicle accident occurred in 2004. This was the third lawsuit between the plaintiff and his insurance company. The most recent lawsuit before this case resulted in a judgment valuing family-provided attendant care at $23.00 per hour.Read More
Thanks in part to the hard work of some organizations and advocacy groups, bad faith legislation designed to protect insurance policyholders has been introduced in the state Legislature to bring Michigan in line with the rest of the country.Read More
Carmen relies on her parents to be her caregivers, as well as an occupational therapist and a massage therapist to help with movement and her muscles.Read More
Following a severe injury sustained while driving trucks, Liss & Andrews client Dave Deming is currently engaged in a legal dispute with Progressive regarding the limitations of Michigan's No-Fault Act.Read More
O'Donnell discusses the sweeping changes in 2019, limiting medical coverage unless specifically purchased, which ultimately increased liability for medical expenses caused to others. Legislation is needed to protect accident victims, including addressing limitations on attendant care. Liss & Andrews advocates for consumer protections through pending legislation such as the Policyholder Bill of Rights.Read More
Thanks in part to the hard work of some organizations and advocacy groups, bad faith legislation designed to protect insurance policyholders has been introduced in the state Legislature to bring Michigan in line with the rest of the country.Read More
Liss & Andrews attorneys Nicholas Andrews and Meagan O'Donnell discuss insurance bad faith behaviors in Michigan and the push for reform to hold insurance companies accountable.Read More
Peg and Skip Wieland devoted themselves to becoming son Shawn Wieland’s full-time caregivers and advocates, following a devastating car crash in 1997. State Farm paid them for it, a benefit to which the family was entitled under Michigan’s no-fault system.Read More
Liss & Andrews and the Wieland family has emerged victorious in an insurance case against State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance. 43-year-old Shawn Wieland, who suffered a traumatic brain injury in a devastating crash at age 17 in 1997, will be awarded over $1 million, according to a recent jury decision. This case marks a victory...Read More