There was a time — not so many years ago — when Michigan’s No-Fault Act provided lifetime medical coverage for whatever was reasonably necessary for an injured person’s care, recovery, or rehabilitation after being involved in an auto accident.
Furthermore, the injured person was entitled to this comprehensive medical coverage regardless of who was at-fault in the crash.
Then, in 2019, the Michigan Legislature enacted sweeping changes to the no-fault landscape that took effect the following year. For many accident victims and their families, it was a game-changer in a devastating financial and emotional way, according to Meagan O’Donnell, an attorney with the Bloomfield Hills law firm of Liss & Andrews.
Under the reform package, car crash victims no longer qualify for guaranteed lifetime coverage for medical and rehabilitation expenses unless they specifically purchase that coverage through their auto insurer, O’Donnell indicated. In addition, motorists could face increased liability in certain situations for the medical expenses they caused others to incur, further elevating their level of risk with possibly dramatic financial implications.