Liss, Seder & Andrews is following recommendations issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to assist in mitigating the spread of COVID-19. Primarily, those recommendations include working from home whenever possible, avoiding social gatherings and avoiding unnecessary or discretionary travel.
While our physical office is temporarily closed, we remain fully operational and we continue to meet our clients’ needs every day from the safety of remote work-spaces.
We have prepared for and implemented a robust series of remote work procedures for each of our attorneys and support staff. We can still be reached at any time of the day by calling our primary office line at 248.647.9700. Our answering service will ensure your calls are forwarded to your attorney so you may receive a prompt response. Additionally, our clients’ privacy and communications continue to be protected with a fully encrypted client portal.
As the situation is rapidly evolving, we are monitoring the directives of all local, state and federal authorities, including those of Governor Whitmer, the orders of the Michigan Supreme Court and the orders of the Chief Judges of the Counties in which we practice. m
We know these are unprecedented and uncertain times. Please stay safe and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, concerns or just to check-in. We hope you are well.